DAO - an essential new operating system. Let's find out why and how.
DAOS can create value that traditional organizations cannot.
I will soon be talking with Joachim Stroh on my ImaginizeWorld video-podcast. We'll be talking about DAOs - decentralized autonomous organizations - s new operating system in a world where traditional systems are no longer effective.
I would like you, my network friends, to share with me any questions you might have for Joachim.
Joachim and colleagues created Hypha. The goal of Hypha is to "have positive impact at scale on current social and environmental issues in the world". Key: collective, transparent, efficient. Here is a detailed (long but worth reading) article: Hypha’s going long on civilization.
I would like you, my network friends, to share with me any questions you might have for Joachim. I'm reading a lot and constructing my own list, but I'd like our conversation to also include points from other people.
Please share your ideas, reactions or questions in the comments below.
So, over to you...and thank you!
Great opportunity : Thanks for this!
Here are a few questions for Joachim.
1- What kind of organizations have succeeded implementing DOA ? Small vs big, Family owned vs Public, manufacturing vs service...
2- How long does it take to implement i.e. convince the executive board, to actually do this ( See Bayer article suggested by Valdis on Slack).
3- How long have did the organizations which (or who?)have implemented it have been running like this?
4- Do you know of any organizations which (or who?) have implemented DOA but went back to the traditional mode of management after the implementers (or DOA instigators) have left ?
Looking forward to the interview!