“With every future we wish to create, we must first learn to imagine it.”

We look at critical issues that will define tomorrow and that already define today—people and society, education, AI’s impact on humanity, and the survival of our earth.

With the help of people I interview on my new podcast “Imaginize World” and reader input, we explore how visionaries, social activists, and pioneering organizations are shaping the future.

  • The whole is underpinned with data from my 16 years of research on the “organization in the digital age” with hundreds of organizations around the world from 2006 through 2016; then the gig mindset in 300 to 400 organizations in 2018 and 2021 (pre and post pandemic) and my most recent survey in 2023 about how people see the Future in 2043, twenty years from now.

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You will receive Gig Mindsetters - Imaginize a New World by email approximately twice a month, have access to all the articles, and receive specific posts from time to time.


You can get in touch directly via my ImaginizeWorld website if you have any questions or comments. Or you can reply to this email.

Many thanks, Jane.

See the details and links for my new video-podcast Imaginize.World. Here it is directly on YouTube.

Author of The Gig Mindset Advantage and A Global Vision of 2043, a Collective Speculative View of Our Lives 20 Years From Now.

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Visionaries, pioneers, and activists break down the revolutions in humanity, AI and technology—and where they might lead us. These original voices cut through the noise, offering raw insights on how we can shape the future we want before it shapes us.


"Imaginize.World": podcast & videos, exploring how forward thinkers, scifi visionaries & pioneering organizations imagine the future and how we can move in the direction we want. Author "The Gig Mindset Advantage". 20 yrs advising large organizations