Hi Jane

Like my favorite mad musician below, I'm at a loss on creating titles or making things viral so I have followed his lead in focusing on the message that will resonate with the people I want to share a coffee with, people to dive deep and have insightful, reflective conversations with.

I started vloggin 5 years ago (less grey as you see https://www.youtube.com/@RyanConsulting/videos) and I have tried to keep my videos under 3 minutes in length but (and I stress but...) I'm not interviewing people nor am I exploring ideas with others to gain deeper thoughts that could drive actions so I think the length is what contains relevant and interesting content - let it be that and it will be enough.

Someday I hope my videos will get 400 views, if you are looking to bump up that number ask those in your network to like and share with their networks - I will commit to trying to help expand your message from my limited space!

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Thank you for your story, Bill. I appreciate your offer to like and share, and your suggestion that I ask others to do that as well. I did not know you had a vlog. Very different style and purpose from mine, and very interesting. Do you promote it?

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I try! I have my YouTube channel then I promote it on my blog (https://mondaymorningmusings.org/ 2011 inspired by Harold Jarche), I put the new one on my website every month, then I include it in my monthly newsletter, and finally reshare on LinkedIn and via X/Twitter. This year I have also started sharing it as one of my Substack posts too as I experiment with this platform. I usually craft 1 vlog a month and I can't say it has ever brought people to my door but I have had conversations from some who watched a video I crafted.

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That’s a lot of work indeed. I receive a daily newsletter from you. Where does that fit in?

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I promise, it might seem like a daily newsletter but I post on Substack only on Tuesday's, Thursday's, Saturday's and Sunday's. I am wondering if I should pull back (only responses and feedback from all welcome btw!). I share the same post on LI too - create once and distribute on many channels is my mantra.

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I’ll pay more attention and tell you when I receive these messages from you. I confess I do not read them all.

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Nor should you. I may be overloading and that would be good for me to know and consider.

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Hello Jane

I keep in mind Seth Godin's insights when I try to understand marketing and especially when I try to get a larger audience. Succinctly , I stopped trying to get a large audience.

I shoot for a tribe! A group of people who love what I do and share.

They might be few in number but they "get" it and slowly, oh so slowly, they spread the word.

Trying to cook up a sexy title that will go viral is beyond me.

Why would a stupid video about a double rainbow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSNhk5ICTI) get over 300K views or anything by Mr Beast generates millions in revenues is unfathomable to me.

Every joke or stupid post I put on Facebook get more likes Than any serious thought or insight I try to share!

Simon Sinek short video on "start with why" generated 11 millions views because it was simple.

Most people were impressed but did nothing with it. Or bought the book and were disappointed ( as I was!)

Your videos are insightful. Your guests are brilliant. Your interviews are long and interesting...for a niched audience!

Getting 400 views for this kind of content is pretty amazing if you ask me! Changing the titles or trying to edit the good bits or pushing your content frequently on LinkedIn, X or whatever media to reach a larger audience might not be necessary. Most Youtube influencers or marketers will tell you their first dozens of videos did not succeed to reach large audience or basically sucked!

My views on this is to keep doing great interviews, being authentic, staying yourself and making sure YOU are having a ball doing them.

As long as you keep your flame going it will work out...eventually.

And maybe asking or reminding your viewers to share your content on their network to help you out.

Just to let you know, I have tried publishing videos (over 200 over a few years), writing blog posts ( 700+ since 2006), pushing my contents on LinkedIn Twitter and Facebook etc. to get that larger audience...and I stopped trying.

I create content for MY own enjoyment and the few clients who follow me.

I am happy with this and a lot less worried about statistics than before!

We can discuss this at the next Wireachy, Asynco or PBCC gathering....

Just my two cents...Hope this helps.

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Thank you SO much for your comments, François. I know what you’re saying is right, but when I sometimes get discouraged (like when I wrote this post) it does me good to listen to a voice of reason who brings me back to the reality of why I do what I do. See you soon in one of our shared places.

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Agree 100% with Francois’s comments. Its unfathomable how it all works and a connected tribe is the go. Neil Pasricha wrote an interesting article recently, Want to beat the algorithm? Don't play the game. Whilst the focus of the piece is on how we spend our energy, there was some good insights for me and links on producing content that actually delivers value and not just feeds the algorithm. In my opinion, this has been the strength of your career over the years, whatever you have delivered has always been based on real world evidence / experience and deep thinking. Keep at it!


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Thank you Catherine Grenfell. That's a very good link you sent me here. I appreciate your comments about my work. Both you and François have brought me back to the reality where I should be! The quotes from Cal Newport ring so true! As does the rest of Neil's post! Thank you again.

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